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- 1922
Ekskursioner og byvandringer
Who were the immigrants? Migration to Nørrebro 1880-2024
By professor, Dr.Phil. Garbi Schmidt, RUC
Nørrebro has its fans and its critics. For some, the neighbourhood's rich cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity is a vibrant invitation; for others, it conjures images of violence. Regardless of these perspectives, Nørrebro boasts a captivating immigration history that spans more than 150 years.
On this guided tour, we will delve into the stories of various immigrants, from Swedish maids and Roman Catholic nuns to Russian-Jewish and German war refugees, as well as Turkish and Pakistani guest workers. We'll also examine contemporary migration to Nørrebro, focusing on the neighbourhood's ongoing religious diversity. What roles have immigrants played in shaping Nørrebro over time? How has immigration influenced the narrative of Nørrebro as a working-class and activist community? In which periods have immigrants been prominent, and in which have they remained largely unnoticed, despite their presence?
We will meet at Nørrebrogade 1 and end at Jagtvej 69.

Hold: 1922
Startdato: lørdag d. 17. maj 2025
Slutdato: lørdag d. 17. maj 2025
Tidspunkt: Kl. 14:15 - 16:00
Varighed: 1 lørdag
Alle undervisningsgange
lørdag d. 17. maj 2025 Kl. 14:15 - 16:00
Sted: Byvandring, Mødested: Nørrebrogade 1, 2200 København N
Pris: Kr. 240,-